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Entertainment, Contents Agreement and International Business

Update – subsidy for Covid-19-“Tokyo Cooperation Funds for Protection of Infection”

Tokyo Metropolitan Government provides various subsidies for the entities that are affected by the self-business control against Covid-19. For “Tokyo Cooperation Funds for Protection of Infection” – a leading subsidy which supplies JPY500,000 to JPY1,000,000 for the owners shutting down or shorter their business hours in accordance with the request of Tokyo District – Gyosei Shoshi was selected as specialist on April 27, 2020. Targeted facilities or venues are here (renewed because of the release of emergency order). It includes Live Venue, Game Center, Music Class or Movie Theater etc. Through the application process via online or on paper, and specialists, such as Gyosei Shoshi, Tax Lawyer, or Accountant, check the forms before submission, the process will be easier and obtain the funds earlier. Tokyo District is ready to hold lots of subsidies – funds for maintaining the business, or else. Ministry of Welfare and Labor and Tokyo Work Foundation provide the employment, funds for remote work, improvement of work environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry introduces variety of subsidies and finance. Since most of the URL does not have English explanations, please contact our office if you want to know more.

Considering the serious affect by Covit-19 emergency order to business entities and persons, our office waivers the regular fee and set the discount for you.


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